⭐️Closing Sound: Feel comfortable knowing your bag is fully closed with the sound of the zipper closing; As you close the bag you can feel and hear the double zipper close the bag from end to end; Bags will close fully and will hold strong for long time; the seal is so strong we added tabs to open the bags without any struggle
⭐️Food Grade: All of our bags are made of BPA-FREE polythene plastic; This makes the bags safe for direct food contact whether you’re storing sliced fruits, meat patties or just taking nuts on a trip
⭐️Store, Protect & Transport: These bags take up less space and can hold more than your average small container; The strong material will protect the inside contents from things in your backpack from other contents like pens, keys, cables and more
Closing Sound: Feel comfortable knowing your bag is fully closed with the sound of the zipper closing; As you close the bag you can feel and hear the double zipper close the bag from end to end; Bags will close fully and will hold strong for long time; the seal is so strong we added tabs to open the bags without any struggle